Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Genealogy Update for 13 January 2009

The following manuscript was added to Access Genealogy's Native American pages today:
  1. Social Life of the Blackfoot
    The readiness with which a Blackfoot changes his band and the unstable character of the band name and above all the band's obvious function as a social and political unit, make it appear that its somewhat uncertain exogamous character is a mere coincidence. A satisfactory comparative view of social organization in this area must await the accumulation of more detailed information than is now available. A brief resume may, however, serve to define some of the problems
We were quite active in updating many of our Native American pages today. Enjoy!
  1. Bureau of Indian Affairs Regional Offices
    This page provides the addresses and phone numbers for all of the Bureau of Indian Affairs regional offices around the United States. You can direct your Indian policy questions there.
  2. Heart Butte District, Blackfeet Indian Reservation
    Field survey and individual indian report accompanied by briefs and pictures.
  3. Native Cemeteries and Forms of Burial East of Mississippi
    David M. Bushnell provides an intricate look into various Native American burial rituals and practices for specific tribes: Algonquian, Powhatan, Seneca, Huron, Natchez, Sioux, Cherokee, Creek, Seminole and Choctaw.
  4. The Choctaw of Bayou Lacomb, St. Tammay Parish, Louisiana
    From December 1908 until April 1909 David Bushnell was in lower Louisiana, the greater part of the the time being spent in St. Tammany Parish, on the northern shore of Lake Pontchartrain not far from New Orleans. During this period frequent visits were made to the few Choctaw still living near Bayou Lacomb, in same parish. The notes obtained as a result of these visits are now presented on the following pages.

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